May 5, 2018Shahar KAMAYShahar KAMAY is the pedagogic director of “Move to Circus” since 2010 After being the co-director of the “House of Free Arts”, circus...
May 5, 2018Ines LORCAInes LORCA is a French and Israeli choreographer. After the National Superior Conservatoire of Dance in Paris, she continued her training...
Apr 29, 2018Chantal COHENChantal COHEN as a professional actress (degrred from Seminar Kibbutzim - Israel) is performing in independant productions , such as an...
Apr 29, 2018Marie SINNAEVEMarie SINNAEVE is a French dancer. Graduated from the National Superior Dance Conservatoire of Paris, she joined the Dutch Emio Greco/pc...
Apr 29, 2018Assaf GIVATIAssaf GIVATI is an Israeli musician He completed his music studies at the University of Los Angeles MIT between 1995-97. The founder and...
Apr 6, 2018Juliane KONIGJuliane KONIG is a Fashion designer Having studied design at Hawk in Hildesheim (Germany), she started working as a fashion designer in...
Apr 6, 2018Gal NEVONGal NEVON works on sound design, recording and audio amplification Independent since 1995, he opened his own recording studio "At the...
Apr 6, 2018Keren EPHRAIMKeren EPHRAIM started in Acrobatic Gymnastics at the National Team of Wingate in Israel Studying in parallel theater, in 1997, she plays...