De retour en France, Ines LORCA est invitée a reprendre la direction artistique de la Cie JKL, jusqu'alors dirigée par le chorégraphe Joakim LORCA.
LA COMPAGNIE JKL a pour vocation de développer des projets de créations autour de la danse contemporaine ainsi que des projets de territoires et d' Éducation Artistique et Culturelle.
Ines LORCA prend la responsabilité de continuer ces missions, tout en ajoutant celles qui lui sont propres par le projet interdisciplinaire de Move to Circus et de la Stefanie Company
Ines LORCA and Shahar KAMAY created a Company based in Israel in order to let young talents and professional artists to express themselves throughout circus arts, music, contemporary dance and theater.
Some of artists who went through painful moment in their life were able to have an artistic expression of whom they are and who they become. The Stefanie Company gives them a stage.
Young talents from Move to Circus Academy are able to be part of the Stefanie Company researches and professional artistic process and are able to perform in international festivals. (France- Germany- Finland- Israel)
Who is Stefanie?
Stefanie is a girl who could have all the possibilities to be and to become; she is much more talented than any others and she could be number One.
But life doesn’t help… sexual abuse, violence, addiction, hyperactivity disorder. Stefanie is fighting in a faraway cloud where nobody can hear her.
Stefanie represents the hope and loneliness of each dream.
Everyone can become someone in this survival world; sometimes you just need a little help.
We believe the impact of circus arts, music, dance or theatre can bring magic to people in order to come back to life communication.
When Shahar and Ines met Stefanie, her terrific and dramatic life gave them inspiration to create a place (Move to Circus Academy) and a company (Stefanie Company) where people can express what is too hard to say in real life; a place where people can cry, hope, laugh and scream in order to stay alive.
Stefanie Company - Past performances:
- International Waldoni Circus Festival - Special Prize of High Technique (Germany) WeJugg
- Sarona Market Tel Aviv (Israel) Le Lo Afsaka- WeJugg
- “Herzelia Theater” (Israel) Slow Release
-“Drom Hasharon Theater” (Israel) Slow Release
- “Ashdod International Circus Arts Festival” (Israel) Liring- Kentala (Slow Release Extracts)
- “Move to Circus Academy” (Israel) Slow Release
- “Rencontres Choregrahiques Irene Popard “ Espace Reuilly Paris (France) Liring - Kiddogram
- “Rencontres de Danse de Saint-Could” 3 Pierrots Theater (France) Kiddogram
- “International Circus Festival of Modiin” (Israel) Slow Release
- “Move to Circus Academy” (Israel) Slow Release
- “Espace Reuilly Paris” (France) Slow Release (extracts)
- “Cercle Chorégraphique de Dreux” Atelier a Spectacles de Vernouillet (France) Slow Release
- “Yakum Circus tent” (Israel) Slow Release