Hello Everybody,
The International Circus Convention for Youth 2018 is getting prepared.
SAVE the dates! from 21 to 24 of September 2018 (during Sukkot holidays).
This year, we are happy to invite l' "Ecole de Cirque Lausanne-Renens" from Switzerland. They will share with us workshops and shows.
Concerning the performances, as usual, we are willing to give opportunity to young talents to perform during the shows.
In order to participate, we will need to receive a video from your act, until JULY 15 AT LATEST!
You can send it by mail, youtube link or whatsapp.
Take good opportunity of the end of year show of your circus school in order to film it :)
The shows will happen on September 22nd and the Open stage on September 23rd.
The same circus school can present few acts. The professional and artistic team of the convention will decide in what show they will perform.
Please feel free to contact me personnaly if you have any questions.
Ines LORCA +972509461000